the Adaptive Drylands Agriculture Portal for The Southwest
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Welcome to ADAPTS

Access to Crop Diversity for Climate Resilience and Food Security

Providing growers with access to locally-adapted crop diversity can simultaneously (1) promote agricultural sustainability, (2) improve farmers' resilience to climate change, and (3) strengthen local food security. In response to these challenges and opportunities, Native Seeds/SEARCH developed the ADAPTS platform to connect the public to the rich collection of arid-adapted crop diversity contained within the NS/S seed bank and to encourage its wider use in the Southwest and beyond.

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Getting Started

ADAPTS provides an interface for searching the contents of the Native Seeds/SEARCH seed bank collection. Please see the Quick Visual Tour to the right or the Frequently Asked Questions page for further details about what the platform provides and how it works. To view an example of an accession-level page, check out P13-006, a bean from central Mexico.

When you're ready to start searching, you may visit the Search page or try some of the example searches below to further familiarize yourself with ADAPTS.

(1) I want to see all chile varieties that were collected within 100 miles of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for which seeds are currently available.

(2) I want to see all bean varieties that are available for distribution, ranked by climatic similarity of their collection localities to Tucson, Arizona.

(3) I'm a farmer interested in high-altitude varieties. Please show me everything that was collected above 8,000 ft.

(4) I obtained a packet of cowpea seeds from NS/S and want to learn more about these seeds. The back of my seed packet lists an ID number of 8637.

(5) I'm interested in tropical varieties. Please show me all accessions from tropical latitudes.

(6) I'm a Diné (Navajo) farmer and would like to obtain seeds of traditional Diné squash varieties.

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Development of the initial public version of ADAPTS was funded through a generous grant to Native Seeds/SEARCH from the Gila River Indian Community. We are grateful to GRIC for their support of resilient food systems in the Southwest.

If you have questions or feedback about the ADAPTS platform, please contact us.

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