the Adaptive Drylands Agriculture Portal for The Southwest
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The ADAPTS Gallery presents a random selection of 20 hand-picked photos from the NS/S digital archive. Click on a photo to navigate to the information page for the crop accession in the photo (it will open in a new tab or window). Refresh this page to view a new selection of photos.

C02-005 CF14 Fl11V05-022 CF04 S3T01-002 CF05 FR2ZM14-010 Voucher 2XX07-003 MKP13 Fr2ZM13-016 Voucher 3E01-039 CF10 Fr7ZM08-001 Voucher5XX07-003 MKP13 FlE04-040 CF12 FL2Wild luffa CF03 02V01-021 CF14 Fr3D03-001 CF09 Fr6C02-001 CF09 Fl2ZM16-006 Voucher 3ZM04-004 CF14 Fr4K01-004 CF13 Fl1ZM06-013 Voucher4V01-006 CF14 S4P12-056 CF10 P2
image hosting provided by Flickr  —  all photos © Native Seeds/SEARCH  —  please contact us for permission to use
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