the Adaptive Drylands Agriculture Portal for The Southwest
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Basic Collection Information and Status
Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthaceae)
Cultural Affiliation   n/a
Collection Site   Chimaltenango, Guatemala (latitude: 15°; altitude: 6,600 ft / 2,000 m)
Collection Year   n/a
Accession Status   Active
Catalog Information and Instructions
Collected in San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala. The leaves and “flowers” are green, with occasional red inflorescences. Seeds are blond.
Current availability of this variety is summarized below. We encourage the use of these seeds to benefit humanity and strive to facilitate access through a number of channels.
        Seeds of this variety are not currently available for distribution. If you are interested in this accession for research, seed increase, or repatriation purposes, please contact us.
Collection Site
The circle in the map below shows the area where this accession was collected (why isn't the precise locality shown
?Precise collection localities are hidden in order to protect the privacy of the original donors of the seeds in the NS/S collection.
). You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.
The graphs below summarize aspects of the climate for this accession's collection site. You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.
The Native Seeds/SEARCH digital photo collection for this accession is provided below.
C02-016 CF04 LC02-016 CF04 S2C02-016 CF14 Pl1C02-016 CF14 Pl3C02-016 CF14 Pl4C02-016 CF04 Fl1C02-016 CF04 Fl2C02-016 CF04 Fl3C02-016 CF04 Fl4C02-016 CF04 Fl5C02-016 CF04 P1C02-016 CF04 P2
image hosting provided by Flickr  —  all photos © Native Seeds/SEARCH  —  please contact us for permission to use

Characterization and Evaluation
There are currently no observational data available for this accession. If you have made observations of this accession and are willing to share them, please contact us.
Amaranth IntroductionCultivation InstructionsSeed Saving Instructions
Grown by Indigenous people of the Americas for millennia, the small grain is rich in lysine and the young leaves are high in calcium and iron.Plant in spring after soil warms or with summer rains. Broadcast and rake in, or plant 1/4" deep in basins or rows. Thin the edible seedlings to 10-15" apart. Grows taller if soil is enriched with compost. Likes full sun.Amaranth species are wind / insect pollinated and will readily cross.. To prevent this, put paper or cloth bags over flower heads. When ripe, cut off dried heads and lightly beat in a bag to remove seed. Screen or winnow off chaff.
If you have questions or feedback about this accession or the ADAPTS platform in general, please contact us.

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