the Adaptive Drylands Agriculture Portal for The Southwest
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Basic Collection Information and Status
Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae)
Cultural Affiliation n/aCollection Site Guanajuato, Mexico (latitude: 21°; altitude: 6,200 ft / 1,900 m)
Collection Year 1984
Accession Status Active
Catalog Information and Instructions
Dolores de Hidalgo Frijol NegroPC016
Medium-sized shiny black bean from central Mexico. Pole bean producing dark lilac flowers and purple mottled pods. Sweet flavor and smooth texture; also a great green bean.
View All 2 Accessions of Dolores de Hidalgo Frijol Negro (PC016) (this will reset your search)
View All 2 Accessions of Dolores de Hidalgo Frijol Negro (PC016) (this will reset your search)
Current availability of this variety is summarized below. We encourage the use of these seeds to benefit humanity and strive to facilitate access through a number of channels.
Online Order Native American Free Seed Community Seed Grants Bulk Seed Exchange ? Contact us for current availability.
Academic Researchers ? If you are an academic researcher with an interest in this accession, please get in touch with us. We encourage use of the seeds for appropriate research applications and are committed to protecting the rights of the people and cultures who developed and maintained this diversity and to its continued availability.
Note: Seeds are distributed on a variety-by-variety basis, rather than accession-by-accession. As there are multiple accessions of this variety, please contact us if you need seeds of this specific accession.
Collection Site
The circle in the map below shows the area where this accession was collected (why isn't the precise locality shown
?Precise collection localities are hidden in order to protect the privacy of the original donors of the seeds in the NS/S collection.
). You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.The graphs below summarize aspects of the climate for this accession's collection site. You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.
There are currently no photos available for this accession. If you have photos of this accession and are willing to share them, please contact us.
Characterization and Evaluation
The table below lists observations of this accession's characteristics (why are characters sometimes listed more than once
?For some accessions, observations of a particular trait have been recorded over more than one season or location; these are indicated by the different values in the Lot column.
).Character | Observation | Lot, Frequency and Comments | Character Description (Source and Code) |
100 seed weight (primary) | 20.00 g | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 6.3.3) |
darker seed color (primary) | Black | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 4.3.2: 1) |
days to 50% flower | 97 | lot: CF '02 | Days from planting to 50% flower (IPGRI 4.2.2) |
days to first flower | 67 | lot: CF '02 | Days from planting to first flower |
days to greenbean | 110 | lot: CF '02 | Days from planting to greenbean. |
days to maturity | More than 148 | lot: CF '02 | Days from planting to maturity (IPGRI 6.1.7) |
hypocotyl color | Purple | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 6.1.2) |
note | Small-medium sized black. yield reduced due to late maturation | lot: CF '02 | |
number of seeds per pod | 5.9 | lot: CF '02 | Average number of seeds from one pod selected from 10 plants. (IPGRI 6.3.1) |
plant type | Indeterminate climbing | lot: CF '02 | Describes final architecture of plant through interaction of many characters: terminal meristem growth, number of nodes on the stem, internode length, climbing ability, branching pattern. (GRIN HAB) |
pod color base | Medium green | lot: CF '02 | Basic Pod color. Refers to lighter color when more than one color exists. Data taken during pod filling stage but prior to the initiation of defoliation. (GRIN PDCOL: MG) |
pod cross section | Pear shaped | lot: CF '02 | From fully expanded immature pod. (IPGRI 4.2.8: 2) |
pod pattern | Blush | lot: CF '02 | Describes distribution of darker color over lighter basic pod color. If only one color, then pattern is classified as uniform. (GRIN PDPAT: BL) |
pod pattern color | Purple | lot: CF '02 | (GRIN PDPATCOL: PU) |
pod position | Top | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 6.2.12: 3) |
pod string | Present | lot: CF '02 | Observation of the presence or absence of pod string. Data taken at the snap stage or the beginning of the pod filling stage. (GRIN PDSTG: Yes) |
pod wall fiber | Moderately shattering | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 4.2.12: 6) |
relative abundance of primary seed type | 1 | lot: CF '02 | |
seed brilliance (primary) | Medium | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 4.3.4: 5) |
seed class (primary) | Black beans (and Black Turtle class) | lot: CF '02 | Seed type based on seed phenotype and coded as Common Market Class. (GRIN SDCLS: BL) |
seed eye color (primary) | Black | lot: CF '02 | Color of the eye or hilum of the seed (GRIN SDECOL: BL) |
seed shape (primary) | Oval | lot: CF '02 | Taken from middle of pod. (IPGRI 4.3.5: 2) |
seedcoat pattern (primary) | Absent | lot: CF '02 | (IPGRI 4.3.1: 0) |
standard pattern | Uniform | lot: CF '02 | Refers to the distribution of the darker color over the lighter one on the standard (GRIN STPAT: UN) |
standard pattern color | Non-applicable | lot: CF '02 | The pattern of color on the standard. This refers to the darker color on the standard if there is more than one color. (GRIN STPATCOL: NA) |
wing color | Light lilac (lavender) | lot: CF '02 | Basic Wing Color taken right after the flower opens. The basic color is lighter of colors if there is more than one color. If only one color, it is basic color (GRIN WCOL: LL) |
wing color pattern | Uniform | lot: CF '02 | Pattern of color on wings. (GRIN WCPAT: UN) |
wing vein color | Non-applicable (vein color absent) | lot: CF '02 | Color of the wing vein (GRIN WVCOL: NA) |
Common Bean Introduction | Cultivation Instructions | Seed Saving Instructions |
Common beans are a diverse and important crop to Native American farmers throughout the Southwest. They are eaten young as green beans or dried and shelled. Plants can be bush, semi-pole, or pole. | Beans need warm soil for best germination. Plant seeds in spring or with summer rains about 1" deep and 6" apart. If beans need a trellis, try intercropping with corn or sorghum. | An annual that is generally self-pollinating, but can cross with other plants. Dried pods can be harvested throughout the growing season, or harvest whole plants. Separate varieties by 10 ft (3 m). |
If you have questions or feedback about this accession or the ADAPTS platform in general, please contact us.