the Adaptive Drylands Agriculture Portal for The Southwest
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Basic Collection Information and Status
Squash (Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbitaceae)
Cultural Affiliation   n/a
Collection Site   Colorado, United States (latitude: 37°; altitude: 8,500 ft / 2,600 m)
Collection Year   1995
Accession Status   Active
Catalog Information and Instructions
This accession does not have a catalog designation. If you would like to obtain seeds of this accession, please get in touch with us.
Collection Site
The circle in the map below shows the area where this accession was collected (why isn't the precise locality shown
?Precise collection localities are hidden in order to protect the privacy of the original donors of the seeds in the NS/S collection.
). You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.
The graphs below summarize aspects of the climate for this accession's collection site. You have not specified a reference site, but you may specify one and rerun your search.
The Native Seeds/SEARCH digital photo collection for this accession is provided below.
E04-037 bb95035 SE04-037 CF10 Fl1E04-037 CF10 Fl2E04-037 CF10 Fr01E04-037 CF10 Fr02E04-037 CF10 Fr03E04-037 CF10 Fr04E04-037 CF10 Fr6E04-037 CF10 Fr7E04-037 CF10 Fr8E04-037 CF10 Fr9E04-037 CF10 Fr10E04-037 CF10 Fr11E04-037 CF10 Fr12E04-037 CF10 Fr13E04-037 CF10 LE04-037 CF10 P02E04-037 CF10 P05
image hosting provided by Flickr  —  all photos © Native Seeds/SEARCH  —  please contact us for permission to use

Characterization and Evaluation
There are currently no observational data available for this accession. If you have made observations of this accession and are willing to share them, please contact us.
Cultivation and seed saving instructions are not available for this accession.
If you have questions or feedback about this accession or the ADAPTS platform in general, please contact us.

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